info.naturalmystichub@gmail.com295-887556 Reid Street Hamilton, BermudaM-F 8-4pm, Saturday 9-4pm
About Natural Mystic Hub Health Store
Welcome to Bermuda’s newest health store! Natural Mystic Hub Health Store is physically located in the heart of the City of Hamilton. We are focused on providing quality products in store and conveniently to your door step.
Natural Mystic Hub has an unwavering commitment to provide the very best health products and using suppliers who provide affordable pricing for our customers.
Our Products
Herbs & Teas
Grains, Nuts, & Breads
Candles & Essential Oils
Local Products
Our Brands
Nature’s Plus
Just Water
Plant Therapy
Godfrey’s Baked Goods
Natural Mystic has a vision to be your Health Hub and provide you with all your health and wellness needs on the island! We are always open to your feedback and suggestions for products you want us to carry, please visit our store or our contact page today to send your suggestions!
Interested in employment with us? Please email your CV or resume along with a cover letter
About the Management
This family background where Joan Godfrey the owner of Godfrey’s Bakery provided Bermuda for over 20 years with her homemade baked goods. She began a trend on the island and was extremely successful as a result. More than 20 years after Godfrey’s Bakery closed its doors the family have combined their love of health and wellness to create Natural Mystic Hub Health Store.
The family are enthused about sharing their knowledge and delivering products that will position you to enhance and maintain optimal health. Natural Mystic Hub Health Store is designed to be your one-stop Hub for all your wellness options.